Women4peacetech is a group of passionate peacebuilders committed to using technology for peacebuilding. Our goal is to empower local communities to take ownership of peacebuilding efforts by providing them with the necessary tools and resources to connect and collaborate. This resonates with the “How We Organize” approach, which emphasizes decentralisation in organising communities.
We at women4peacetech highlight the importance of gender-inclusive peacebuilding, recognizing the unique perspectives and experiences that women bring to the table. We believe that including women in peacebuilding efforts is crucial for achieving sustainable and long-lasting peace.
Women4peacetech is now also a member of the “How We Organize” membership, an initiative by Build Peace, which focuses on building stronger and more resilient communities through decentralization, inclusivity, and diversity. By working together with like-minded peacebuilders, Women4peacetech hopes to make a meaningful impact on the world and create a brighter, more peaceful future.
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